Sayles Uncharted Waters

Sayles uncharted waters:

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Hi, I’m Jesse (on the right). I am a human-environment scholar and sustainability scientist. I am a “pracademic,”  mixing academic research and practice. I work to help solve a variety of environmental and sustainability problems. Most of my work is done in rural landscapes or looking at rural – urban interactions. A few of the projects I have worked on include: transboundary collaborations for estuary watershed restoration, impacts of environmental management activities on individual and community wellbeing (through recreational fishing), climate change adaptation planning, stewardship mapping, and coordinating household hazardous waste removal among rural communities. I pull from a variety of research traditions and a lot of my work uses systems thinking, social network analysis (SNA), and geographic information systems (GIS). Please feel free to navigate through this website to learn more about my background, work, teaching, publications, and resources that might help you.

Thank you!